Course Description

This course is a continuation of Fall 2017 semester class taught by Shaikh Abdullah Hakim Quick.

This course is designed to introduce the student of knowledge to the Divine nature of Al Qur’an by discussing the idea of ‘Ijaaz (Miraculous Nature) and then showing these qualities through examples in the following areas:

·      The Literary perspective

·      The Scientific perspective

·      The Historical Perspective

·      The Mathematical Perspective

·      Predictions of the Future

This is a must course for those who do not understand the true power and majesty of the Book of Allah, for those who want to get familiar with the depth of the Qur’an and those who need an Iman (faith) boost. 

 The language will be clear and uncomplicated but some of the examples will be amazing and will challenge your understanding Inshallah. It is hoped that this course will serve as a bridge to this vital aspect of the Qur’an that most Muslims are not familiar with.

Dr Abdullah Hakim Quick is a historian, social activist and religious leader of African and Native American descent. He has travelled to over 58 countries doing research and delivering lectures to various communities. His qualification in Islamic Studies comes from a BA from the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia and his history background is shaped by an MA and PhD from the History Department of the University of Toronto, Canada. Shaikh Abdullah is currently a senior instructor at the Islamic Institute of Toronto.

Abdullah Hakim Quick

Senior Instructor

Course curriculum

    1. Lecture Three

    1. Lecture 4

    1. Lecture 5

    1. Lecture 6

About this course

  • $35.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content