Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    1. Video | Al Khulafaa Ar Rashidun (Prt 2) | Class #1 | Intro to Prt 2

    1. Video | Al Khulafaa Ar Rashidun (Prt 2) | Class #2 | Removal of Saad bin Abu Waqas

    1. Video | | Al Khulafaa Ar Rashidun (Prt 2) | Class #3 | The Conquering of Persia

    1. Video | Al Khulafaa Ar Rashidun (Prt 2) | Class #4 | The Death of Umar

    1. Video | Al Khulafaa Ar Rashidun (Prt 2) | Class #5 | Other Achievements of Umar

About this course

  • $35.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Sh. Abdool Hamid

Instructor Bio:

Shaikh Abdool Hamid has a B.A. in Islamic Studies from the Islamic University of Madinah, specializing in Hadith Studies. Born in Guyana, South America, Graduated from Madina University; specialized in Hadith Studies Currently a resident scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto Serves as an Islamic Counsellor with the Islamic Social Services and Resource Association (Toronto). Regular Khateeb and lecturer at several prominent mosques in and around TorontoTaught the following courses at the IITArabic Language Certificate ProgramScience of the Qur'anScience of Hadith; Hadith methodologyFiqh of Ibaadaat (Salaah, Zakah, Hajj, Fasting)Seerah of the ProphetLives of the Khulafaa ar RashidoonInheritance LawsQur'an Memorization and TajweedShaikh Abdool Hamid is also the spiritual guide for the IIT Hajj group which takes more than 75 Hujjaj every year to Makkah. He also presents a bi-weekly Tafseer session at the IIT on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. Shaikh Abdool Hamid is married and has six children. He lives in Toronto, Canada.

Abdool Hamid

Imam/Khateeb/ Sr. Scholar

This Course

  • About the Course

    The period following the death of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) ﷺ was certainly a formative period for the new Muslim Ummah. Without the presence of the Prophet among them, and the end of divine revelation, it was left to the rightly guided Khalifas to chart a course for the expanding Muslim community, while simultaneously dealing with issues of faith and practice among Muslims.

  • Course Method

    This will be a multi-semester course as the material is expansive. At the end of the course, students will have a deeper understanding of the place of the companions of the Prophet in the genesis of Islam, with specific reference to the first four “Khulafaa ar-Rashidun” - Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali (May Allah be pleased with them.)

  • Course outcome

    Students will be able to evaluate important decisions and controversies as they arose, and gleans lessons from this formative period of Islam.